Doctoral programme (UA 791 419 / UA 796 605 419)

Zu DE Version

Information sources:

Schedule for public presentations of dissertation projects (FÖP):

SS 2025  (online):

  • Please register your presentation appointment four weeks prior the anticipated date at the latest.
  • Duration of the talk: 10-15 minutes
  • Please let the IT team of the Dean's office know early in advance, if you require a notebook for your presentation.

Steps through the doctoral programme

Please fill out all forms on the computer!

Current forms for doctoral studies

Registration of a dissertation (public presentation - FÖP)

with the following documents:

Signing of a doctoral thesis agreement

Applies only if the public presentation (FÖP - fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation) was previously passed.

Annual progress reports

The first written annual progress report has to be submitted ideally a year after the public presentation (applies only after the passed public presentation and signed doctoral thesis agreement):

Annual progress report for the doctoral programme requiring 12 ECTS

Form - Annual Progress Report

Written progress reports have to be submitted yearly directly to the SSC Chemistry per email, the first one being submitted ideally a year after the public presentation took place. These reports are part of the curriculum to be fulfilled (see §5 (2)).

Annual written progress reports for DoSChem / the doctoral programme requiring 24 ECTS

Both forms,

have to be submitted yearly directly to the SSC Chemistry per email, the first one being submitted ideally a year after the public presentation took place. These reports are part of the curriculum to be fulfilled (see §5 (2)).

Assignement of a thesis to reviewers

The Assignement of a thesis to reviewers (SL/D3) and the Assignemt of a thesis to reviewers - Abstract (SL/D4) have to be submitted to the SSC Chemistry per email prior to uploading your thesis for a plagiarism check (at least 1month earlier). Please include a short CV for each of the external referees (1 page max., which usually can be found and adapted from the respective homepage). 

Only when the referee issue is resolved, the SSC can send the referee documents to the selected two referees.


Submission of the thesis


Completition - 1st part: exam pass verification

Please submit the PP to the SSC as soon as your final grade appears in the certificate (all 12/24 ECTS achieved according to the DV!).

During your studies, some of your personal data might change. It may also happen that some of your personal data in our system are incorrect (e.g. spelling of your name, second first-name, ..).

Therefore please make this correction before uploading your PHD-thesis. Please check here how to do: Change of personal data (


12 ECTS curriculum requirements:

Please email the electronically completed exam pass "Prüfungspass" together with the following paperwork to SSC Chemistry:

  • current study sheet
  • "Sammelzeugnis": Consolidated record proof of all completed course work
  • confirmation of recognized course work (if applies)

Please note,

  • for the participation in a Journal Club for PhD students (1 ECTS), a maximum of 4 ECTS will be recognized;
  • for the participation in a faculty colloquium (0.5 ECTS), a maximum of 2 ECTS will be recognized.



DoSChem / 24 ECTS requirements

Please fill in the Prüfungspass and submit to the SSC Chemistry together with

  • current student record sheet (Studienblatt - u:space)
  • transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis - u:space))

Curriculum/ ECTS allocation overview:

  • Curriculum based - 12 ECTS 
  • 6 ETCS from curriculum based lectures and seminars (freely selectable and graded), summer schools
  • 4-6  ECTS from PhD seminars and “Journal Clubs” (1 ECTS each Semester)
    (4 ECTS PhD seminars and  2 ECTS Journal Clubs)
  • 2-4  ECTS from faculty colloquia (0.5 ECTS per Semester)
  • DoSChem based - 12 ECTS in total
    ( flexible – below you find the suggested ECTS points distributed to the different areas) 
  • 2 ECTS from soft skills courses (freely selectable)
  • 4 ECTS from retreats (2 per retreat (full active attendance – attend at least 2 retreats)
  • 2 ECTS from International DoSChem Symposium (1 per symposium – attend 2)
  • 4 ECTS from international conference (1-2 per active participation – poster or oral; 2 conference visits, at least 1 international conference)
  • Total 24 ECTS needed to graduate within DoSChem.

    Detailed description you can find here.

Completion- 2nd part: registration for public defense

  • The defense must be registered in the SSC Chemistry at least 14 days before the date: Registration for Doctoral thesis defense (SL/P4)
  • The formal requirement for the opening of the public defence procedure is the existence and availability of the positive assessment reports provided by the responsible reviewers (reports must be available at least as a copy) along with the verified exam pass ("Prüfungspass")
  • The SSC Chemistry accepts the date and place on the registration form as a given (i.e. all examiners have been informed by the candidate).
  • First your defence date needs to be confirmed by the examination senate and the directorate of the study programme (SPL). Then the SSC Chemistry officially notifies all parties involved and announces the scheduled defence.